He ran. He ran through the path hiding in the forest that he’s kept it as his own secret. He didn’t look back even. His heartbeat hurt himself and his sweat cried him to hurry and he just ran, as fast as possible.
The people would come soon after him, and so would their fire. Then there was not any moment left for him. He knew that so he burned the tears by the heat from the air.
When he ran into the small valley, he saw the girl sitting there in these poppies as usual. Then the way she eyed him was misting liked it was always. It made him doubt. It made all the things liked right and no nightmare anymore. It made all the fire just liked his bad dream.
But the fire lit the midnight sky telling him that his world was burning down and so was he if he didn’t start to run then.
‘They’re coming. We, we must go. Follow me, I know the way… I…’ He bit his lip, and he felt the blood heated his throat. The girl kept looking at him like she didn’t know what he was talking about at all.
‘Who? What? Why we have to go?’ She said, slowly, with her light voice. He noticed that her hair in the fire-light would show a color which like the torch lighting under the sea. Don’t know how and why, the view brought something here and made him felt illusory, unnatural, insane and despair, but no even fear and sadness.
‘Because…’ Words were getting hard and hard to say. Fire let the wet go away from the air, and he felt thirsty. ‘Because their fire will burn here.’
After he said, the report bombed above their heads and the light brighted the valley. He tried to call her name, but then he remembered that he didn’t even know her name puzzling.
That was the first time her pale face be full of wavering terror.
At the first second he guessed that just a mistaken impression but her thin drowned voice cut cross the bomb and told him that how true everything was.
‘Can’t stop them?’
‘No, I can’t.’
He wanted to hit himself when he faced her sadly weakness and he couldn’t do anything for her.
‘But, but I know how to hide and I know the way goes to the town. I can protect you, I can, I can take you away.’ With his saying, he saw that the shine in her eyes became darker and darker. Fears climbed upon his root of the tongue and ran up to the nose and eyes. He heard his voice shaking. He almost forgot to say the heaviest words.
‘Please go with me, won’t you?’
As soon as she shook her head slowly but steadily, the fire came closer and closer and reded all his views ate up her body. His eyes was blinded by the heat, and he smelled the poppies burnt. He started shouting and shaking his hands, but he caught nothing. He knew that guys would burn down these poppies, he knew they want to kill his helpless sick homeland.
Suddenly, he found what name is that girl’s.
He found the poppy-color eyes the girl has, he found all the midnight date in the poppies, he found the story of her and her bunt ground, he found all the things he blinded to in the memories between them.
He cried, cried for his stupid, cried for his whole world’s death.
There was nothing left but himself, so he turned back and ran, closing his hurt eyes and feeling the heat smelling the scent, finding the exit-way.
He ran.